Perfect Circle

Monday, January 09, 2006

I've been a bad, bad girl

I haven't been sticking with my weight loss plan and it's only the second week in January. I had chinese tonight. Ok honey, prepare to be jealous...I went to Bambusgarten (bamboo garden in German) and got chicken low mein, chicken fried rice and mini egg rolls. I didn't eat all of it, but I ate a healthy portion of everything. There aren't too many great places to get take out here in Germany, but this place is awesome. Of course it was swimming in grease , gave me heartburn, but it was soooo good.
Along with my fatty feast I have another guilty pleasure. The Golden Girls. I bought the first season tonight cause I've been bored with the crap on AFN and there wasn't anything else that looked good. This shit is funny! Not only is the interaction between the girls funny, but so is the wardrobe and makeup. I'm sure my hubby is grimicing.... I figure this would be a good time to get it since he would rather sear his eyes out with hot pokers then watch the Golden Girls. I just love how they are re-releasing these shows on DVD's. You can get almost any old show on DVD. I have a couple of other shows that remind me of my childhood. I've got every season of the Brady Bunch as well as Quincy. Embarrissing, but true. Oh well, I'm sure we all have things we feel dorky for liking.
I've been pretty busy these past couple of days. Yesterday I took Collin over to a friend of mine's house. She has a little boy who is a couple of weeks younger than him and they just have a great time together. I had fun hanging out with another adult and we had a great time comparing mommy stories. So, they played and played till they were both exhausted then we came home. He got dinner and a bath and was off to bed.
I did not want to get up this morning. I got about 6 hours of sleep and it still wasn't enough. Work wasn't too bad today. Which is good for the patients since they are what makes the hospital busy. The more I think about it the more I want to quit my job. I love the job itself, but the atmosphere at work is getting unbearable. There is a real negative vibe growing among the staff there and it gets worse everyday. What also makes it hard to leave this place is I just love the dang money it brings in t00. I dunno...I think I'll give the job a couple of months, then quit. I'm still not sure. I just know that if something doesn't change I don't want to stay in this job anymore.
well time to hit the hay.....


  • The Golden Girls Rock! Jason has had to endure so many episodes that he actually likes them. Well, that, or it is just Stockholm Syndrome from excessive viewing.

    Hmmm, Chinese. That sounds really good. I plan on cheating before too long, and it will be at a Japanese/Sushi buffet. Jay and I are in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program and have two Littles, Dylan and Zac (they are brothers Dylan is going to be 14 and Zac is 10), and for Dylan's 14th birthday we are taking him to Kyojin in Springfield. I plan to get my Sushi on in a very big way ! Sushi wouldn't be so bad, but they have those yummy spring rolls that I can't stay away from too and that adds the grease, but it is sooooo good!

    Are there a lot of people at your job that are just burnt out and wanting to go back to the States? Money is good, but not necessarily worth a major hassle for something that you will leave when you move back to the States.

    By Blogger The Big Fat Project Management Team, at 7:16 PM  

  • I know you are right Arielle. That is what really gets me. When I had those couple of weeks off around Christmas I had a really great time being home with Collin. I know I can't compare money with spending time with my child cause he is the most important thing in the world to Dave and I. I guess I'm just afraid to quit cause who knows what our financial situation will be when Dave gets out of the military in a few months. I've been paying huge chunks on some of our bills so we'll be more secure if it takes us awhile to get jobs. I guess I should either put up or shut up. You know, grin and bear it, or quit and stay home. I'm just having a real hard time deciding which will be better in the long run. Thanks for the advice, I will take it to heart!

    Keoka...awesome! I have a Golden Girls buddy! LOL! I don't see sushi as being nearly as bad as what I consumed yesterday! And I'm regretting it today cause it gave me a stomach ache last night and I still feel icky this morning.

    By Blogger Brandi, at 11:18 PM  

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