Perfect Circle

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Come on and get down with the sickness

Well, now I've got red dots on my arm. I showed hubby last night and he said..."Holy cow, that's chicken pox!"

I went to the doctor again today....sigh....
and she didn't think that it was chicken pox. I don't remember having it as a kid, but when I was pregnant with Collin they checked me for the antibodies and said I must have had it at some point. The bumps look like chicken pox to me, but I'm no doctor, so I guess I have to believe her.

Is there any other childhood illness I can come home with? Daycare is evil! LOL


  • vitamins

    eat them

    for years

    no really

    after awhile you won't get the childhood diseases anymore. like when your kid is 13.

    By Blogger cadbury_vw, at 2:15 PM  

  • Connor had that. They look just like chicken pox at first...starts out with kind of a rash and then you get red bumps. The difference being that chicken pox itch and erupt if I'm not mistaken.

    I don't remember what in the heck it's called, but it'll go away in a few days and you'll be fine. It's a virus btw.

    Hope you feel better.

    By Blogger Nikki, at 8:39 AM  

  • Thanks guys.
    The bumps went away almost as fast as they appeared. Feeling good now, I just hope that it stays that way. I may start some vitamins and that probiotic stuff. I sooo don't want to get my tonsils out.

    By Blogger Brandi, at 8:28 PM  

  • What's up chickadee?
    You feeling better yet?

    By Blogger Arielle, at 10:01 PM  

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