I'm turning into a shut-in
These past couple of days have been pretty boring. It's been rainy again and Collin is developing alittle cold so we've been staying indoors. I feel like the longer I stay in the house the harder it is to leave it. Like I'm too lazy to go find something to do. Anyone who knows me knows that I can't stand to be cooped up in the house. I'd rather be out doing something...anything. But lately I've just been staying home. I think being a stay at home mom is making me a little depressed. I enjoy my time with Collin, but I miss the interaction with adults. Plus we are getting ready to go through a major move. I'm nervous about the plane ride back to the states. I'm worried about finding a job I like. I'm concerned about finding someone I trust to watch Collin, that is affordable. I think all these things going through my mind has made it alittle hard for me to express how excited I am to be getting back to America and my family. And far far away from Germany.
Sorry to hear that you are blue. Wish I could bring you some Grand Fortuna and a bag full of chick flicks to watch to make you feel better.
I'm sure that everything will fall into place once you get back, the hardest part of a lot things in life is just the anticipation factor.
By The Big Fat Project Management Team, at 2:57 PM
Everything is going to be ok. You are going to get everything done and will have a wonderful trip home. I can feel it!
By Anonymous, at 11:54 PM
Thanks for the reassurance. It's gonna be so nice to be back with family and friends. And people I share the same language with. God, now I know what foreigners feel like in America!
I really could use a Grand Fortuna and movie night right now.
By Brandi, at 1:08 AM
I know. You will have to make a trip to San Francisco one day!
By Anonymous, at 10:03 AM
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