Perfect Circle

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I'm still alive!!

I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I've been sick and alittle pre-occupied with life. My son and I had a bad case of the cold/flu and are finally getting over it. There was a week there that I thought I was going to jump out of our two story window because I couldn't get my son to sleep through the night. He's doing much better now and actually let me get some rest this past weekend.
I'm starting to get really excited now that it's almost time for my husband to come back from Pakistan. He should be back in the next week or so, then we are going to have a few weeks of leave to spend together.
I've also put in my notice for quitting my job. It's really hard and kinda scarey, but I'm gonna stay at home with the kiddo for our last few months here in Germany. It was kinda weird timing because I found out that the government wasn't going to renew my contract, which is up in April anyway. So once my husband gets back we'll have a couple of weeks off together then I'll work the last couple of weeks in March, then I'm done till we leave. I think it'll be good for Collin to have his mom at home with him for awhile. I feel like the babysitter is raising my son, and frankly I don't think she gives him the attention that he deserves. Once the weather gets nice again, I look forward to taking him to the park and zoo and fun things like that.
I will miss the money. We have paid off two credit cards since he's been deployed and I had hoped to get more debt paid off before we go back to civilian life. But we're not doing too bad. I think we have one credit card left, then our cars and my old student loans. Still a large amount, but we're taking it one bill at a time. So me not working is going to put a damper on that plan. But my son will never be young again, how can you put a price on that?


  • You are so right.

    Good for you paying off the cards. It is so hard to do. But the family should come first.

    Good for you!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:21 PM  

  • Hey, glad to see you are still with us. Sorry to hear that you were so ill. I've been there and hope I don't do it again anytime soon this year!

    By Blogger The Big Fat Project Management Team, at 9:11 PM  

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