Perfect Circle

Sunday, January 29, 2006

I am woman, hear me roar...

Today was pretty boring, but I can say I got a lot accomplished. Started out by getting some laundry out of the way. Then I picked up the mounds of trash from the prior week. (notice how there is a perpetual pile of trash in my house?) Collin and I did what we do best on the weekend. Lazed around the house for most of the day. Later on I got the kitchen cleaned up which included dishes and mopping the floor. I'm hoping to hire a maid. My baby sitter's daughter in law is cleaning houses so I may use her services. But before I let anyone come and clean, I want it to be in atleast a semi decenct condition. I know that sounds silly, but I don't want her to think all Americans are as filthy as we've been lately....
well, that was pretty much my boring day. Time for me to go and get an icecream sandwich out of the fridge.....yum.....


  • How funny, I just had an ice cream sandwich. Mint Chip.

    Now my teeth hurt. Burr!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:08 PM  

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