Perfect Circle

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Great day!

This has been a really nice day. Collin has just been the perfect little kiddo for me today. We lounged around the house for a good part of the morning. I put him down for his nap, showered and once he woke up I thought it'd be good for us to get out and do alittle shopping. So I took him to 4 different stores and he didn't get crabby once!!! For me that is huge. Cause I love to shop, and I usually don't get past 2 stores before the bordom for him sets in. (must get that from his dad! LOL) He was just a little sweetie. One of those stops was to the grocery store. He even let me put away the groceries when we got home without screaming at me to get him out of his highchair. Later in the evening, we were playing around on the floor in the living room and he took his first couple of steps without holding on to anything!!!! Another HUGE milestone. He's not walking yet, but he was so excited when he let go and took those steps toward me. Today I saw my son blossom. He was in such a good mood today and that just made my day. It seems like the cranky crabby little boy is slowing becoming a happier kid. I just love it.
These past few days have been pretty tiring. I haven't blogged lately because I rented a couple of movies and by the time I got done watching them I was just ready for bed. One of those movies were the 40 year old virgin. It was ok, but I'm glad I didn't buy it. It wasn't as hilarious as I thought it would be.
Another awesome thing that happened this week was we got the end of the year utility bill. They do an estimation system here in Germany like they do in the states. They estimate what your usage will be based on what the previous years bill showed. I've heard horror stories about how huge people's (my fellow Americans) end of the years bill have been. One friend said they owed 1000 Euro! Which is about $1500 dollars! BUT here is the good news. THEY OWE US!!!! (Can you tell I'm siked?) I'm not sure if it includes the water bill, but it definately had the electic on it and they owe us about 210 Euro. I even called them to make sure I was reading the bill right. Yeah!!! The sweet sweet smell of a refund. Gotta love it!


  • It sounds like such a nice day! Did you buy anything nice?

    You know me, I have to live vicariously through other people's shopping endeavors now!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:14 PM  

  • Baby I'm sorry. I was just so excited. We can't wait till you get home too!

    By Blogger Brandi, at 12:55 AM  

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