Perfect Circle

Monday, January 23, 2006

Busy busy day

Today was a pretty good day. I got up early, got ready, dropped Collin off at the sitter and headed to work with plenty of time to have a nice relaxing breakfast in the chow hall. Except for one thing. The damn line to get into the post this morning was so long that it took me thirty minutes just to get into the hospital. So I had to grab some crap at Burger Puke for breakfast (we have one in the food court in the hospital) then run up to the ward where I proceded to inhale it.
The ward was pretty slow this morning but I had lots to do. Since I missed work last Friday I had alot of medical charts to break down so that they can go down to inpatient records. About midday things picked up as we received post op patient after post op patient. We only had one RN today so she was swamped getting them settled in and comfortable after surgery as well as take care of our other patients. We have LPN's on the ward, but they are not allowed to push narcotics. We had several things come up today that made for some good drama, but I'm not going to get into them online for privacy reasons. Gotta love the drama. It's like General Hospital there sometimes. It keeps things interesting, that's for sure.


  • Sounds like you had a busy day.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:11 AM  

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