I had the scare of my life today....
The day started out pretty good. Nothing too out of the ordinary. I had pretty much just finished feeding Collin lunch when I decided that I would do some cleaning. One of the perks of being a stay at home mom is that I actually have the time to clean. I know that sounds funny but when I worked full time my family came first and the house came last. Collin even likes to help me sometimes. Just doing little things, like shutting doors for me or handing me stuff.
We live in a two story house and the stairwell has a door. My husband and I have been diligent about keeping the door shut at all times. We've noticed that if you don't pull on the handle real tight it will sometimes pop open just slightly. Well today was one of those days. I got Collin out of his high chair and went to get the vacuum cleaner when I turned around and noticed that the door was all the way open and Collin was no where to be found.
At that instant my heart sank into my stomach and I ran for the door. Just as I got to the door I saw my little boy fall down the stairs. I couldn't stop it, I felt like puking. I ran down the stairs to his side. He was screaming and I freaked out. In my mind I was thinking...this is it...he's either going to be paralyzed or die before I can get him to a hospital. Our phone is upstairs in the dining room and so I had a dilemma. Leave him there and run to get the phone to call the ambulance (because I know you're not supposed to move someone who could have spine or neck injuries)or carefully take him upstairs with me. As a mom, I just couldn't leave him at the bottom of the stairs scared and screaming, so I carefully moved him keeping him as straight as possible.
I called the German ambulance service (DRK) and I can't believe it, I was so freaked out and upset with myself, I couldn't remember my address! I finally composed myself, because Collin needed me to be strong for him and I needed them to get there quick. It seemed like hours until they got there, but actually they got there really fast. While I was waiting for the ambulance to get there I was trying to keep him still so he wouldn't hurt himself further. Amazingly enough, he seemed like he was doing ok. I wasn't going to take any chances though. When they finally got there, they almost seemed surprised I called them. They never said they wouldn't take him to the American hospital, but they almost insinuated that I could take him myself. No way was I going to attempt to strap him into a car seat and take the chance of paralyzing him, or wrecking the car because I was so upset.
Once we got to the hospital they assessed him. He wasn't bleeding, his pupils were responsive and equal to light, and he was able to move his arms and legs. We couldn't even find a bruise on him!!! They went ahead and got some xrays of his neck and spine and from what the doctor said they looked good. (he did say that kid bones are softer and sometimes harder to pinpoint fractures, but that he thought they looked clear) We waited awhile and they gave him a popsicle, I guess to see if he'd be able to hold fluids (When you have a concussion, you tend to vomit). By this time Dave had arrived. He was in a class when his unit gave him the message about what had happened. I can't imagine what that drive must have been like for him. The not knowing how serious his son was hurt. Atleast I was able to be there with Collin.
The totally amazing and unbelievable part of all of this is that Collin is doing great. You would never know just a few hours ago that he fell down about 15 stairs. Children are amazingly resilliant. All I know is that I hope to God I never have to feel that way again. I've been smothering him with love and kisses. I always do, but more so tonight. Collin is my son, my life, and I love him with every fiber of my being and I've never been so scared in my life.
We live in a two story house and the stairwell has a door. My husband and I have been diligent about keeping the door shut at all times. We've noticed that if you don't pull on the handle real tight it will sometimes pop open just slightly. Well today was one of those days. I got Collin out of his high chair and went to get the vacuum cleaner when I turned around and noticed that the door was all the way open and Collin was no where to be found.
At that instant my heart sank into my stomach and I ran for the door. Just as I got to the door I saw my little boy fall down the stairs. I couldn't stop it, I felt like puking. I ran down the stairs to his side. He was screaming and I freaked out. In my mind I was thinking...this is it...he's either going to be paralyzed or die before I can get him to a hospital. Our phone is upstairs in the dining room and so I had a dilemma. Leave him there and run to get the phone to call the ambulance (because I know you're not supposed to move someone who could have spine or neck injuries)or carefully take him upstairs with me. As a mom, I just couldn't leave him at the bottom of the stairs scared and screaming, so I carefully moved him keeping him as straight as possible.
I called the German ambulance service (DRK) and I can't believe it, I was so freaked out and upset with myself, I couldn't remember my address! I finally composed myself, because Collin needed me to be strong for him and I needed them to get there quick. It seemed like hours until they got there, but actually they got there really fast. While I was waiting for the ambulance to get there I was trying to keep him still so he wouldn't hurt himself further. Amazingly enough, he seemed like he was doing ok. I wasn't going to take any chances though. When they finally got there, they almost seemed surprised I called them. They never said they wouldn't take him to the American hospital, but they almost insinuated that I could take him myself. No way was I going to attempt to strap him into a car seat and take the chance of paralyzing him, or wrecking the car because I was so upset.
Once we got to the hospital they assessed him. He wasn't bleeding, his pupils were responsive and equal to light, and he was able to move his arms and legs. We couldn't even find a bruise on him!!! They went ahead and got some xrays of his neck and spine and from what the doctor said they looked good. (he did say that kid bones are softer and sometimes harder to pinpoint fractures, but that he thought they looked clear) We waited awhile and they gave him a popsicle, I guess to see if he'd be able to hold fluids (When you have a concussion, you tend to vomit). By this time Dave had arrived. He was in a class when his unit gave him the message about what had happened. I can't imagine what that drive must have been like for him. The not knowing how serious his son was hurt. Atleast I was able to be there with Collin.
The totally amazing and unbelievable part of all of this is that Collin is doing great. You would never know just a few hours ago that he fell down about 15 stairs. Children are amazingly resilliant. All I know is that I hope to God I never have to feel that way again. I've been smothering him with love and kisses. I always do, but more so tonight. Collin is my son, my life, and I love him with every fiber of my being and I've never been so scared in my life.
That is one tradition I hope to not experience again. Thanks for sharing that with me Julie. Now I know it's not my fault, it's just in his genes. :)
I knew you'd remember that stairwell Arielle! Like I said, I'm amazed he doesn't have a bruise on him. He still seems to be doing great today. So I feel better, and pretty darned lucky.
I'll give him lots of hugs and kisses for you both!
Brandi, at 12:26 AM
Man, that is terrible. That must have been awful for you. I am so glad he is ok.
Now I'm going to worry about him for a week!
Anonymous, at 12:50 AM
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