Perfect Circle

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I've had a "crappy" day so far....

It's not that I've had a bad day. I've actually had a pretty good day. I was outside in my backyard with my son this morning when I looked around and saw quite a few "landmines". My thoughts were....eeeewwwwh gross! I'm not letting my son play around in dog crap. So I went inside and got some grocery bags and proceeded to clean up the yard when I felt something hit my foot. Oh great...I've just been shat on by a bird! This makes the second time this year I've been pelted with bird crap. (see Venice post in June archives) Yuck.

Here is one of the offenders of the dog Quincy...

Once I got cleaned up, we had fun playing around in the backyard. Grandma got Collin a Lil Quad not too long ago and he played with it for awhile. A Lil Quad is this motorized ATV that is controlled by a button on the handlebar. He gets that he has to push the button to make it go, but he doesn't get the concept of steering. He gets so frustrated when he runs the thing into the porch or a bush. Here are a few pics of him playing...

As far as the job hunt goes, it's creeping along. I think I've got a job with the home improvement place, but they haven't officially said "you've got a job, doing such and such."

I got a call today from a hospital that I had applied online for a customer service/clerical position. I go in tomorrow for an interview. It's a little further to drive, but I imagine that the hours and pay will be better than the other job. Here's hoping...Keep your fingers crossed!


  • I need to get one of those crap picker uppers! Especially now that we are getting a puppy. We have a nice yard, but it's not huge, so picking up the crap is more important than ever! LOL

    By Blogger Brandi, at 4:17 PM  

  • Love, love, love the pics! Too adorable for words! I've been out of the loop for a while because of work and am so happy to come by on a day when you have some pictures for me to see!

    Good luck on the landmine duty! When I was a kid, my Dad called it Poop Patrol! *snicker*

    Lastly, super good karma and luck on the job search. I'm a firm believer in the fact that good things come when we're least-expecting them...and when we most need them! I'm not always on the mark with Fate's twisted way of making me and others wait for what we want and need...but hell, that's why I'm Buddha Girl instead of Fate Girl!

    By Blogger Mouthy Girl, at 9:23 PM  

  • It's good to see you dropping by again Buddha Girl! I've missed your comments!
    Thanks for the encouragements!

    By Blogger Brandi, at 10:38 PM  

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