Perfect Circle

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Our trip is a wash...

The trip we were going to take while my husband is on leave is a wash. He just really doesn't want to go anywhere, and we both go back to work next week. What with the beautiful weather (smirk) and our being ill for two weeks, hasn't left us with much time for travel.
I'm really bummed about our time here in Europe. I had really hoped to see more of it before we leave this summer. We were able to see a couple of surrounding German villiages and go to Paris before I got pregnant in 2004. Once we had a baby, that kinda put a kink in the ol travel plans! LOL!! Hey, life happens. I wouldn't trade that kid for anything!

I loved Paris. We only had a day there, but we saw alot in that day. We went to the Louve Museum (which if you've been there you know I only saw a small portion of it, cause it could take a person a week to see it all) ,the Museum D'Orsay and the Eieffel Tower, and the Underground Catacombs. I rode on the metro and had dinner by the Seine river, it was an absolutely beautiful day and I hope to go back there again someday.

That being said, I can't wait to get back to the USA. I haven't set foot on American soil in almost three years and I have had enough. I'm spoiled, I'll admit it. I love the USA. We have 24 hour Walmarts and things to do on the weekends past 2pm. It doesn't cost a fortune to have fun in America. I want a pizza that has real pepperoni on it (not salami like they do here in Germany) I want to be able to go to a movie in the middle of the day, that kind of stupid, trivial stuff that we take for granted in the US. My family (except for my sister and brother in law) has never been able to see or hold my baby in person and I can't wait for them all to meet him and be a part of his life.

I've got a new pic of the little guy...he's learned how to get the kitchen cabinet doors open and his new hobby is to open them and shut them and put stuff in them.

He does it over and over think he'd get bored. It's amazing how they are so easily amused. Could have saved me a fortune on toys!


  • It's too bad you didn't get to see more. But at least you got to see Paris for a day. That's something, right?

    Your little guy is sooooo cute!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:44 AM  

  • Yes, I'll always have Paris! :)

    By Blogger Brandi, at 10:00 AM  

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