Perfect Circle

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Less than a week....

That is exactly how much time we have left till we close on our new home! I am sooo excited I could burst. We've ordered the new carpet (at the seller's expensive..yessss!) and flooring and it's scheduled to be put down the day we close. However, our bank is still giving us headaches.

I can see now why a lot of people are renters and not owners. The frickin closing costs! We are using a retirement fund that my hubby had while he was in the army to pay for our closing costs. We find out after we get pre-approved for a mortgage that they need proof of closing costs for the deal to go through. They said that having the money in his TSP (military savings plan) wasn't proof enough. It had to be in our account to be sufficiant proof. So my mother, took out a home improvement loan to give to us (since we will pay her back once Dave's savings is deposited into our account) so that we could show them proof of closing costs now.
They STILL weren't happy enough. They wanted a letter showing that we were getting that money as a gift that we didn't have to pay back. So my mother (knowing that we will pay her) signed that letter and we showed them the money is in our account.

Keep in mind, our closing costs are estimated at around $3,000. We gave the seller $500 in good faith money, our bank $350 in good faith money for the closing costs. Then our seller is paying $750 (for some repair work to the home) towards our closing costs as well. That is $1600 of our closing cost that have already been paid. We only truely have $1400 left in closing costs to pay, and we definately can prove that we will be able to pay it. I am beginning to think whomever we have working our loan is an idiot or is new or something. My husband is almost ready to tell them to forget about it, we'll get our loan with another bank that wants our money.
I mean...come people PRE-APPROVED us for a home loan. YOU considered us a good risk...and you're worried about $1400? Well, I feel better for ranting.... :)

I totally look forward to moving in day. I can't wait to get the keys and start moving into that house...with the new carpet smell. I look forward to my little boy getting a room of his very own again. I look forward to my husband and I having a room of our very own again. I look forward to having privacy again. (since we live with my mom right now) I look forward to decorating this house and making it a home. I look forward to planting flowers and doing some garden work. I look forward to settling in to our new town (it's not too far from OKC) and getting a job. I look forward to moving forward......

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I guess it's time for an update...

It's been a busy couple of weeks. Dave and I have been looking at homes or shopping for a house pretty much every night. I think we've finally found the right one for us. It's an older home, but that is kinda what we wanted. We looked at some new homes, but as Dave put it so eloquently they just don't have a soul. Plus they don't seem to be built as well as the older ones.
The home we like was built in 1979, it's got almost 1800 square feet,and it comes with a lot of character. Dave really likes the fact that it has a work shop/extra garage in the back and I like the fact that it has a sitting room and fireplace in the master bedroom. So we put a bid in on it and as long as it passes inspection it's ours.
I'm so excited to finally get our own place. We've been together for 6 years and are just now getting our first home together that isn't an apartment. We are finally going to be home owners!!! Yes!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Just a couple more pics...

You've gotta take a look at those lips! LOL! What a cutie!

Look at that little angel!

Sleeping like a baby

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Lidia Jane

Here she is....just hours old.

I'm an aunt...again!!!

It is my pleasure to announce the birth of my niece, Lidia Jane N*****! She joined our family on August 1st at about 8:30 in the evening. I almost missed the birth because my sister went into labor and delivered sooo fast.
My sister was supposed to be induced on Tuesday, IF they had an opening in the schedule. She wasn't too far over her due date so it wasn't an immergent case, therefore if they didn't have room they were going to induce her next week. Well, my sister had it in her mind that she was going to have this baby on Tuesday. When she called the hospital that morning, they told her they didn't have an opening. She was crushed. Not only was she mentally ready to have this baby, she had told her work that she wouldn't be returning for 6 weeks. She did not want to have to go back to work, she was miserable being pregnant. (lemme tell ya she was huge! :) )

BUT when my sister gets something in her head that she wants to do she finds a way to make it happen. She decided that she was going to go walking around the mall to see if she could induce labor herself. So my mother and I decided to join her to keep her company and to help her with my little nephew. It was fun, I like to spend time with her and I like to shop! It was good times.
We got about half way through the mall when she started having some contractions. They weren't that strong or regular at first so we just kept going keeping an eye on them. She started to really feel them on the way back to the car, but thought they were just Braxton Hicks (false labor) contractions. She had been to the hospital once already that week for contractions and they told her they weren't strong enough. Right before we left she had a good sized contraction, but she felt confident that she could drive herself home (she didn't live too far from the mall) where her husband was waiting. And that was that...

Mom and I went to Sonic (heehee) and picked up some dinner for Dave (we had dinner with my sister earlier) then returned home. We hadn't been home an hour when we get a call from my brother in law telling us that she is heading to the hospital because the contractions were A LOT worse and they were going to be checking her out. Mom and I left for the hospital and since labor could take quite awhile, we decided to stop by Walmart to get her some flowers and a couple of magazines for ourselves. I knew my dad would be at the hospital getting my nephew so I called him as we were leaving to see how my sister was doing. I AM SO GLAD I CALLED!
He told me that she was dialated to a 7 and that she was in a lot of pain and may not be able to even get an epideral. What? She has been a 4 for a couple of weeks now, man she's going fast!
We rush to the hospital and she is an 8 (outta 10) and they are breaking her water. I think we were there for an hour when she started pushing and had the baby in maybe 30min-hour! We weren't allowed in the room with her during that portion of the delivery (that's ok with me...somethings you just don't need to see) but we had the door cracked so we could hear what was going on. Once the baby was born and the doctor said it's a girl and we heard her cry we all cheered!

It seemed like it took forever for us to be able to get in to see her, but as many of you mothers out there already know, they have a ton of things to do immediately following the birth.
It was so great to see both mom and baby. Both are healthy and happy. She's a beautiful little sweetheart.

Lidia, dear...welcome to the world, welcome to our family I look forward to getting to know you!

edit...I'm trying to get pictures on the blog, but it's not working. I'll try again later.