Less than a week....
That is exactly how much time we have left till we close on our new home! I am sooo excited I could burst. We've ordered the new carpet (at the seller's expensive..yessss!) and flooring and it's scheduled to be put down the day we close. However, our bank is still giving us headaches.
I can see now why a lot of people are renters and not owners. The frickin closing costs! We are using a retirement fund that my hubby had while he was in the army to pay for our closing costs. We find out after we get pre-approved for a mortgage that they need proof of closing costs for the deal to go through. They said that having the money in his TSP (military savings plan) wasn't proof enough. It had to be in our account to be sufficiant proof. So my mother, took out a home improvement loan to give to us (since we will pay her back once Dave's savings is deposited into our account) so that we could show them proof of closing costs now.
They STILL weren't happy enough. They wanted a letter showing that we were getting that money as a gift that we didn't have to pay back. So my mother (knowing that we will pay her) signed that letter and we showed them the money is in our account.
Keep in mind, our closing costs are estimated at around $3,000. We gave the seller $500 in good faith money, our bank $350 in good faith money for the closing costs. Then our seller is paying $750 (for some repair work to the home) towards our closing costs as well. That is $1600 of our closing cost that have already been paid. We only truely have $1400 left in closing costs to pay, and we definately can prove that we will be able to pay it. I am beginning to think whomever we have working our loan is an idiot or is new or something. My husband is almost ready to tell them to forget about it, we'll get our loan with another bank that wants our money.
I mean...come on...you people PRE-APPROVED us for a home loan. YOU considered us a good risk...and you're worried about $1400? Well, I feel better for ranting.... :)
I totally look forward to moving in day. I can't wait to get the keys and start moving into that house...with the new carpet smell. I look forward to my little boy getting a room of his very own again. I look forward to my husband and I having a room of our very own again. I look forward to having privacy again. (since we live with my mom right now) I look forward to decorating this house and making it a home. I look forward to planting flowers and doing some garden work. I look forward to settling in to our new town (it's not too far from OKC) and getting a job. I look forward to moving forward......
I can see now why a lot of people are renters and not owners. The frickin closing costs! We are using a retirement fund that my hubby had while he was in the army to pay for our closing costs. We find out after we get pre-approved for a mortgage that they need proof of closing costs for the deal to go through. They said that having the money in his TSP (military savings plan) wasn't proof enough. It had to be in our account to be sufficiant proof. So my mother, took out a home improvement loan to give to us (since we will pay her back once Dave's savings is deposited into our account) so that we could show them proof of closing costs now.
They STILL weren't happy enough. They wanted a letter showing that we were getting that money as a gift that we didn't have to pay back. So my mother (knowing that we will pay her) signed that letter and we showed them the money is in our account.
Keep in mind, our closing costs are estimated at around $3,000. We gave the seller $500 in good faith money, our bank $350 in good faith money for the closing costs. Then our seller is paying $750 (for some repair work to the home) towards our closing costs as well. That is $1600 of our closing cost that have already been paid. We only truely have $1400 left in closing costs to pay, and we definately can prove that we will be able to pay it. I am beginning to think whomever we have working our loan is an idiot or is new or something. My husband is almost ready to tell them to forget about it, we'll get our loan with another bank that wants our money.
I mean...come on...you people PRE-APPROVED us for a home loan. YOU considered us a good risk...and you're worried about $1400? Well, I feel better for ranting.... :)
I totally look forward to moving in day. I can't wait to get the keys and start moving into that house...with the new carpet smell. I look forward to my little boy getting a room of his very own again. I look forward to my husband and I having a room of our very own again. I look forward to having privacy again. (since we live with my mom right now) I look forward to decorating this house and making it a home. I look forward to planting flowers and doing some garden work. I look forward to settling in to our new town (it's not too far from OKC) and getting a job. I look forward to moving forward......