Perfect Circle

Saturday, September 30, 2006

We found a new addition to the family

We haven't decided on a name for him yet, but we are getting a blue merle sheltie puppy.
Here are a few pics of the lil fellow...

(He's the one in the middle)

The pics aren't great quality and they don't do him justice because he is just beautiful!! He's not quite ready to come home with us yet since he's only about 6 weeks old. We figure by the time he is ready we'll be ready and have the house ready for puppy training. Oooh, it's so exciting. If anyone wants to give us suggestions on names, feel free... More to follow!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Call me, call me, anytime

I finally got a call back about a job!! After applying at several different places, I got a call from that home improvement store. I go in next Monday for the next step in the hiring process. I don't know if that means I got the job, but it's something.

I'm loving our new home, I'm just ready to dump money into it that we don't have right now. It's not a "fixer uper" by any means, but it would be nice to have a kitchen table and chairs, LOL! Our house in Germany was bigger but this home feels like we have so much more room. I love just sitting in our back yard on the porch swing at night. I've noticed that even though our backyard is separated by a fence from three neighbors, it's pretty quiet around here. I think we've got a winner here!

Well, that's about all the news I have right now. Tchuss!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

And the world keeps spinning

We are slowly coming to terms with Sarah's death. I know it might seem ridiculous to some people to mourn a pet, but we've had her for almost 5 years. There is a hole in our family where she used to be. She had such a neat little personality and we both didn't realize how much we'd miss her.

We may be looking to get another puppy in the next few months. Not to replace Sarah, but to fill the hole in our heart. And puppies are just so much fun. But we are also thinking of having a new baby in the next year, so it could get interesting around here.

I am still on the job hunt. I applied for a job at a chiropractor office yesterday and it looks promising. I just want to hear back from someone. I found a couple of openings at a specimen processing company (labwork) that I think would be a good step toward the career I want. I don't want to take the first thing that comes my way, but I really want to get back to work.
I guess I just need to be patient and the right job will come my way.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Dave found Sarah...she's gone

Dave went looking for Sarah first thing this morning and found that someone had hit her with a car. She was long gone before he found her. We are both sooo upset. You really get attached to these creatures and we feel like we've lost a friend. She was the sweetest dog anyone could have asked for and she will be greatly missed. I've gotta go...this is too hard to write about anymore....

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...

Friday, September 22, 2006


Last night was a horrible evening. Dave gets home from work and he points out to me that the back yard gate is open. I'm like...what? Then he asks where are the dogs? I said "well, they were in the back yard."
It's been so nice outside lately and I was getting some cleaning done (they both shed buckets) so I put them out for the afternoon. Our backyard is fenced, so I should be able to do that without a problem. Unfortunately, it seems that one of the gate latches come undone easily. Our dogs escaped.

I can't believe this! I don't know how long they had been gone, they could be anywhere. So Dave proceeds to drive around the neighborhood looking for them, while I wait at home with Collin to see if they come back.

I'm outside with Collin when all of a sudden Quincy pops outta the bushes. I thought yes, Sarah will be right behind him. She was Quincy's sidekick and she was a scaredy cat. But she didn't come out. So now, we're just trying to find her. Dave drives and walks around the neighborhood and surrounding neighborhood with no luck. We talked to several of our neighbors (what a great way to meet new neighbors) and several of them said they saw her but didn't know who she belonged to. One said they saw a boy on a bike chasing her. (I hope he didn't hurt her, cause she'd probably bite him) One said they saw the dog pound picking them both up. (not so since we have Quincy) So I dunno. We are going to put flyers out today and we will contact the pound on Monday.

I feel so bad that they got out. I know it's not my fault, but it happened and these dogs are like family. Quincy was my Christmas present the first year Dave and I were dating. We went through a lot with him. About two years later, we got Quincy a playmate Sarah and they have been the best of buddies ever since. I think when we were very focused on taking care of Collin when he was first born, they were the only entertainment each other had. Sarah is the sweetest dog and she's a chicken and has been an indoor dog all her life. I'm just so worried about her out there. I hope she's ok, where ever she is. I'm just sick about it all.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Snake oils and hocus pocus....

That sums up how I felt my "interview" went today. First bad sign...I walk into the company and I see about 6 other people waiting in the lobby to be "interviewed" at 2:30. Um...ok? Second bad sign, quite a few of the applicants were wearing jeans and flip flops. You would think that would give me the edge, cause I was dressed to impress. You only get one chance to make a first impression right? Well, my impression of the people interested in this job was bad.

So we all get called into a conference room and he proceeds to tell us that he's interviewing us this way because of the overwhelmingly huge response to the ad. But he starts out with this big song and dance about how much money we can make if only we are willing to work hard for it. I mean... this great money doesn't come for nothing. This guy was the most enthusiastic speaker I've ever heard. He was going on and on about what a great company this is to work for and how the more clients you get the more you make, yada yada yada. Hey...wait a minute....
Didn't the ad say no sales? I think I just had the ol switcherooey pulled on me. The ol bait and switch. At the end of this big speech we all get a chance for a one on one interview.

The first thing I ask when I get in the room is...what exactly does the appointment clerk do? Is there any cold calling? He then said "I'm not gonna lie to ya, there is some cold calling", "It's not a majority of the calls you make, but it is some". Then he tells me about all the other ways they get information on prospective clients, and I am not too happy. He then proceeds to ask me if this sounds like something I would be interested in and I said...not so much. He said he'd keep my resume on file incase a clerical job opens up that doesn't require "APPOINTMENT" making. What a waste of time. I'll never get that hour back again.
So back to the ol drawing board............................

Good news though. Collin did really well at daycare. I dropped him off at around 11 so I could go home and get ready for the interview and the instant that we walk in the door he runs and starts playing on this huge wooden bus they have in the toddler room. He didn't even notice me leave. That was great for me. I was expecting this heart wrenching moment where I have to leave this crying screaming kiddo behind therefore feeling like the worst mom ever. They said he did had a great day. He ate most of his lunch and then took a little nap, which I didn't think he would do. He had several little kids for him to play with and two teachers watching over them all. The other nice thing about this daycare is that they have a special program for mothers looking to return to work. Instead of having to pay the full weekly fee to hold his place at the daycare, I can schedule two days a week to bring him in so that I can go on interviews, or go job hunting. I only have to pay the per day fee, which saves quite a bit of money. If I could tolerate it I would open a daycare. They make some mad cash.
Well that's about it. I guess the day wasn't a total wash. It feels good to have found a place for Collin when I do return to the workforce.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Pics and a thank you!

I just wanted to thank my in laws for the wonderful house warming gift they sent us. It's a really neat bamboo fountain that was given to us to bring us luck in our new home. I absolutely love it! It's quite calming, but occasionally I'll hear it and think our faucet is leaking. LOL.

The next few pics are more of the kitchen tile work. It's interesting, I've never seen anything like it. The silver tile you see has a matching trim that is around the whole countertops. What is weird is that I had already decided before I even returned from Germany that I was going to do my kitchen in grapes/vine/wine theme. It was like I was meant to have this kitchen.

Here are a few pics of the outside of the house. Collin and I went for a walk around the neighborhood today. It was such a beautiful Oklahoma day. Cool, sunny and windy. can practically smell the state fair. (it is going on right now....funnel cakes....yummmm)

Job update

I have an interview scheduled for tomorrow at 2:30. It's an appointment clerk position for a water filtration company. The add said no sales, so I hope that means I wouldn't be doing any telemarketing. BECAUSE I DETEST TELEMARKETERS! I know they are just trying to make a living, but I've done cold calling before when I worked for an insurance agent and I hated it. We'll see just what kind of appointments I'd be scheduling for this company. It listed it at 12 bucks an hour, which isn't too bad for clerical work.
Dave and I went and checked out a daycare not too far from us tonight. I need someplace for him to go tomorrow while I go to my interview. They have a real nice playground and they do arts and crafts, I think it may be a good place to take him. Whether or not I get this job, I need to do some serious daycare shopping. I want Collin to be in the best possible place I can afford. I want him to be happy and have fun and learn a thing or two while he's there.
I will keep you posted about the interview. Hopefully it's gonna be the right job for me. If not, I'll keep looking.

Bring out the hounds...the job search is on.

I'm finding that job hunting is more difficult when you are a full time mommy. I know it can be done, people do it all the time, but it does make it stratigically more difficult. I have always been able to find a job within a week of moving to a new area. God knows I've moved enough times in my life to know!
I've put my resume out there on various sites and have filled out electric applications. (the electronic age is awesome) I've got a plethora of job skills so hopefully something will rear its head this week. It's gonna be tricky, I can't exactly go to an interview with a child on my hip. LOL! We're finding that owning a home is an expensive but worthwhile adventure. I have even put in for a job at the big brand name local home improvement store. It may not be a glamorous job, but just think of the discounts on those home improvements! heehee....
I also think that as good as it is for Collin to be home with me all day, I think he needs more. Whenever we go places he's always drawn to other children. He likes to be around and play with other kids, so I think he'll have fun and learn some social skills in daycare that he's not getting at home. I'm not looking forward to dropping him off and watching him cry, or all the colds and illness that comes with daycare. He's been sooo healthy, thank goodness.
But if I don't get a job soon, we're gonna be hurting. We've got enough for the bills, we just won't be able to eat. LOL.
So wish me luck folks! I hope to be back in the working world by the end of the week!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

New pics

Well, it's been a week and we've made quite a bit of progress. Dave's been enjoying his new workshop. (check out his blog, Guy in a white hat, for the creepy details) I've been up to my elbows in laundry. It's a laugh a minute around here right now. ;-P
Collin has been adjusting to the move pretty well. He loves his new room. He's getting so big.
I've included some pics of him in his room, and of some of the new tricks he's learned.

Before the movers.... After the dust settled...

This is the's a cluttered mess right now...

I've got more pics of the rest of the house, but blogger is really starting to piss me off, so I'll just leave it at that. can be such a pain in the arse sometimes!!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

It's official!

I'm a homeowner! Well, co-owner...:)
We closed on the house yesterday. The process wasn't really that bad, once we got the whole "closing costs" thing straightened out. It all went pretty smoothly. I was alittle miffed that our closing cost ended up being about a $1,000 more than our good faith estimate, but I guess that happens sometimes.
We went to the house last night to see how the carpet work was coming along and it looks so good! They are not quite done, but we both took our shoes off and walked around alittle! LOL.
Tomorrow our furniture and appliances are being delivered so we'll be hanging around the house most of the day. It's going to be a busy weekend to say the least. Our internet won't be hooked up for a few days, so I may not post till next week. I'll be sure and post pics as soon as I'm able!
Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Getting to know you....

I was tagged by my good friend I thought I'd just share this meme with the rest of you...

Three jobs I've had in my life:
1. Nicolosi's Animal Hospital (Receptionist/Vet Assistant)
2. State Farm Insurance (Licensed Office Representative)
3. Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (Ward Clerk)

Three nicknames I've been given:
1. Brandito the Frito Bandito (you can blame that lil gem on my uncle Phil)
2. Pookabear (only my hubby calls me that one!)
3. Hydro (given to me by my 6th grade teacher Mr. Caputo, I used to take forever when
I'd drink from the water fountain after recess)

Five movies I would watch over and over:
1. Joe Dirt (if this makes me white be it!)
2. Wedding Crashers
3. Sound of Music (or any Rodgers & Hammerstein musical)
4. Out of Africa
5. Moulin Rouge (or any Baz Luhrman movie)

Three places I have lived:
1. Midwest City, Oklahoma
2. Joplin, MO
3. Castle Rock, Colorado

Five TV shows I love to watch:
1. Nip/Tuck
2. Sopranos
3. Lost
4. Dateline or 20/20 (I like those kind of news shows)
5. Survivor

Five places I have been on vacation:
1. Jupiter, Florida
2. Galveston, Texas
3. Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado
4. Venice, Italy
5. Paris, France

Four things I could NOT live without:
1. Sonic Route 44 Diet Cokes
2. My hubby
3. My son
4. Shopping....:)

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Macaroni and tomato sauce (southern style with sour cream and butter)
2. Fried okra
3. Red eye gravy (made from smoked ham drippings, atlittle instant coffee and water, you
pour it over buscuits. I swear its good!)
4. Anything mexican! (except menudo...yuk)

Five places I would rather be right now:
1. My new home
2. Hawaii
3. Aspen
4. Barnes and Noble
5. Sardinia