Perfect Circle

Saturday, November 25, 2006

My little boy, the musician...

Collin has really been having a growth and learning spurt these last couple of weeks. He is learning words at such at amazing rate that I'm sure he'll be using simple sentences before the blink of an eye.
I've been singing to him since before he was born and here lately we've been working on our ABC's. He can get to about F before the song starts to fade into little more than gibberish, but he knows the tune and struts around the house singing his own rendition.

For his birthday my sister in law sent him this little beginner musical instrument set which came with a tambourine/drum, a harmonica, some marackas, a hollow wooden percussion fish (when you hit it with the little stick it sounds like horses clopping down the street) and last but not least a Kazoo.
Tonight was the first night we got the Kazoo out and once I showed him how to use it, he was ALL about the Kazoo. And what did he play on his Kazoo? The ABC song of course! LOL. He may not know the alphabet, but he knows the music!

Thursday, November 23, 2006


As I sit here on the couch, with my belly full of delicious Thanksgiving day goodness, I got to thinking about all the things I'm thankful for. I rarely stop and think about just how good I really have it, so today I thought I'd put it down in words.

I'm thankful to be with my family this Thanksgiving. Last year it was just me and Collin. Dave was deployed to Pakistan and I didn't have any family in Germany, so it was a pretty sad day for me.

I'm thankful to be relatively healthy. Other than being a little overweight, I am pretty healthy. I've got all the use of my limbs and I don't have any major illnesses, so I'm pretty fortunate. The older I get the more aware I am of how much your quality, not just quantity, of life means to you. I want to really enjoy my health while it lasts.

I'm thankful that I never go hungry.

I'm thankful that I have a warm dry place to sleep at night. We are first time homeowners (atleast I am) this year. The house may not have much in the way of decorating right now, but it's ours and I love it.

I'm thankful that I have a great family. On both sides. I'm lucky to not have any drama there. Maybe it's because we live a couple of states away from each other, but we all get along great! LOL

I'm thankful to have a good job with decent benefits. I was having a rough time there for a little while finding something and that's kinda scary.

I'm thankful for my son. I love him more and more everyday. He is the sunshine in my life and he has taught me so much about patience.

I'm thankful for my husband. We've built a pretty good life together baby...I love you!

I'm thankful for this beautiful day. We've had the most beautiful weather today and I just think about how much longer it will last. It's the end of November and I'm working out in the yard in a tshirt, jeans and crocs. It doesn't get much better than this.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Birthday party pics

(The homemade goodness that took about 4 hours to make. It sure did taste good though....)

(It's time to partaaayyy!!!)

(Daddy and the birthday boy are getting ready to blow out the candles)

(Collin enjoying his cake)

(Is it time to open my presents yet?)

The party was a lot of fun. Collin had a blast playing with his cousin Teddy while everyone waited for me to finish Collin's cake. Um yeah...that took a lot longer than I thought. But it ended up being an awesome cake (atleast it tasted awesome) and the birthday boy was happy.

I am pooped.

Friday, November 17, 2006


I know, I know... I've been neglecting my blog.

It's not that there is nothing going on in my life; I've just been too busy or not motivated enough to write anything.

As far as my new job goes, I'm really liking it. I'm still in the training process, but I think once I get with my team in our new store things will really start to mesh. It's weird to train in a store that knows they are not keeping you. They train you, but kinda keep you at a distance. Like " I'm only going to invest my knowledge, not build any friendship cause you're leaving us in a few weeks anyway so why should I care?" kind of thing.
I have met several people that I will be working with at the new store and we are forming our own click. Isn't it weird how that works?

Monday is my son's second birthday. Two years ago I had a baby boy. Man, I can't believe it's been that long. He sure is becoming a little man. We're having a birthday party for him this Sunday and I'm making the cake from scratch. Even the icing. Lord knows this is going to be interesting. I just hope I don't give anyone food poisoning. LOL!
I'll try and post some pictures of the party. This sounds kinda silly, but these are the things I've been looking forward to since Collin was born.
Celebrating the milestones in his life. He is my angel!

Our new little puppy is blending right in at home. I think we've got him potty trained, but he's gotten into trouble in other ways. One day when Dave came home at lunch time to let him out for a potty break he didn't quite get the crate door latched when he left to go back to work. So Max escaped and decided to tear up part of the new carpet. It's not anything too noticable, but it is enough that it could become a problem later. He's been getting bold with food too. Once again poor Dave was the victim. He was home for lunch when Max swiped a couple of fries off of Dave's plate! Right in front of him! Max hasn't been the only one in trouble lately. Quincy (the older one) got into the trash can while we were out too. So Quincy is now back to staying in a crate while we're away.

We got a new toy that we are really enjoying. DVR!!!! Yesss....
Now I can watch those shows I used to watch when I wasn't working. I know that TV rots your brain, but I like having the control over when I get to see certain shows. No longer am I a slave to the TV schedule. The DVR does my bidding...... MoooowwwwaahhhH!!!! :)
Anyway....yeah, it's pretty cool.