Perfect Circle

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It's been a hard days night...

It's like having a newborn in the house again. Except I don't have to change diapers. But I do have to take this little guy out every couple of hours.

We picked him up last night around 7pm and spent the evening starting to get to know him. Last night was kinda rough. We go to put him in his crate at bedtime and he barks his head off. It was like an ear piercing bark, and he was howling. I'm amazed that Collin didn't wake up. We've done this before, but we can't remember what the trick is to get him to look at his crate as a cave, a place of safety and comfort. So Dave got out of bed and slept on the floor with him last night so that he would feel safe and we'd hear him when he needed to go outside to potty. I think Dave said he went out three times last night, but I know we didn't go to bed until well past midnight, so Dave didn't get much sleep. I really didn't either. I did sleep in the bed, but I was constantly waking up because I thought I heard him wimpering, or walking around the room. God I hope it goes better tonight.

Oh, by the way...we decided on a name. Maximus.

Monday, October 16, 2006

It's party time!

This weekend my mother and I threw my sister a baby shower. If you've been keeping up you're probably wondering...didn't she already have her baby? Yes, but since they didn't want to know the sex of the baby before birth and it's her second child, we decided to have a shower/meet and greet after the baby was born. My sister liked the idea and it really turned out to be a lot of fun!

(My mom and I worked on this spread all morning, I also made that cake out of diapers so my sister could use them after the party)

( Here is the pooped out party girl, Lidia!)

As much fun as it was my mom and I were exhausted afterward. I brought Collin so he could play with my sister's son Teddy and to give Dave a break. (although it wasn't much of a break as Dave worked the whole day cleaning out the garage and workshop) It was interesting trying to keep an eye on him and get food ready and get the party games going. The kids had fun making a total mess of the house. One of the guests brought her little girl, who is about Collins age, and she was in the back playing with the boys. She came out into the living room while we were playing baby bingo and her face was dripping wet and she was coughing. I looked at her mom and I said, why is your little girl's head wet? Then we all said...Is the bathroom door open? Sure enough, either she gave herself a swirlie, or one of our boys did! LOL. Her mom was so grossed out, it was funny! What is it about kids and toilets?

(my sister playing the "Guess what's in the dirty diaper" game)

I think my sister really enjoyed the party. Even though we've always loved each other, we are just now really becoming friends. She is five years younger than me and that's a pretty huge gap when you are kids. She always looked up to me and wanted to hang out with me and I, being a typical teenager, told her to get lost. I didn't want my baby sis hanging out with me. But now that we're older and we both have children we are really starting to bond as only sisters can. I was so happy that I could be here for the birth of my niece since I missed seeing my both of my nephews being born. (I have another adorable nephew who lives in Colorado, his name is Aedan and he is my sister in law's son) I hope I'm a good aunt for all of them!

Enough with the mushy stuff...

Basically I was a cook/entertainer all weekend long. We had the shower on Saturday night, then Sunday I had my Mom and my Dad and his friend over for dinner. I grilled us some hotdogs and hamburgers and we had a wonderful time. My Dad made a delicious cherry cobbler to top the dinner off. Most importantly, Collin got to spend some quality time with his grandparents. I did eat more than I would normally this weekend. But I didn't stuff my self to where I miserable. I've been doing pretty good though now that the weekend is over.

Tomorrow we go to pick up our new little puppy, so I'll definitely post some pictures of the little guy. We thought we had decided on a name, but we keep changing our minds. My husband and I are huge Futurama fans, so we thought about naming him Bender. But we didn't think it had a good ring to it for a puppy. I'm sure we'll figure it out by tomorrow. It's going to be fun getting up every couple of hours to take the lil guy out for potty time. It's been awhile since we've had to potty train a puppy. I'm sure it'll all come back to us. After all we've had a hard could it be!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Is there a lawyer in the house?

Things are getting a little ridiculous around here with the multiple bank accounts that we are in essence being forced to use. My hubby works at a bank and he really likes his job there. However, they force him to have his paycheck direct deposited into their bank. Most people would say, what is the problem with that? Well, we have a great bank that we've done business with for the past 4 years. We have all our automatic bill pays set up through that bank and they have always done right by us. They even gave us the loan for this house. We don't want to change banks. Every payday Dave has to send an electronic check to the bank that we do business with for our bills, but it takes about 4 days or so to get deposited. So basically that money is floating around in outerspace (or it might as well be since we don't have access to it) for all that extra time. It's messing us up because we have to think about what we are spending in two accounts and it messes with our due dates because of the prolonged processing time.
The bank he works for almost acts insulted that he would even consider keeping our current bank. I just wonder what the law is on this, because it seems like it's not right to let us choose our own bank. We feel we are being forced to use that bank because Dave works there. He earns his check and I think he should be able to deposit it where ever he sees fit.

I've got to make a change....

This whole post is due to a celebration. My hubby and I wanted to celebrate the good news of my new job. What is the first thing you think of when you want to go celebrate something? You want to go out to a nice place for dinner. Dave and I both love spicey food, so we decided to go to On The Border restuarant.
It started out well. We got our chips and drinks and ordered our dinner. It takes alittle bit of time to get our food, but not so long that we were mad. We get it and start eating and it's good. I ordered the beef burrito. The beef is shredded, a lot like pot roast. Usually it's very good. I get about a third of the way into it when I slice a huge bloody chunk of fat that looks like a tumor. Well, needless to say I am completely disgusted. The waiter agrees to take it back and fix me another one. I can't believe I could even stomach anything after seeing something so grotesque, but I didn't want to ruin the celebration, so I ate most of the new one. (I inspected every piece before I ate it) I regretted it instantly.
I felt so fat, and sluggish and kinda outta breath. I couldn't sleep, I had bad reflux, I was miserable for most of the night. I decided right there that I need to start eating right and lose weight. I don't have any energy. I don't want to feel this way anymore. I want to be cute in clothes again. I like who I am on the inside, but I don't like the "me" that I see when I look in the mirror.
I'm not going to give myself some unrealistic goals. I'm going to start by eating the way I know that I should. I have been eating fried foods way too often lately and I notice that when I do, I feel sluggish. I'm going to stop eating real icecream right before bedtime. If I have some, it's going to be a small amount of frozen yogert, and it's not going to be at 10pm. I'm not going to drive myself crazy over this. I'm not going to jump on the scale everyday. I'm just going to eat right, get more exercise (I'm sure with this new job, the pounds will melt away) and enjoy being me.
I started eating better yesterday and I already feel better. I just have to keep this going. I have too.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Whoooooo hoooooo....

I got the job at the home improvement store. Not only did I get a job, I got a supervisory job there paying quite a bit more than I was making at the hospital. Yeah! I'm sure I'll be working my ass off for it, but there's nothing wrong with a hard days work. I'm am so excited. I'll be working in the live plant department and will be in charge of ordering plants and shrubs and maintaining the garden center.
It's a major chain, but the store itself is new and will not have it's grand opening until December. That should give me plenty of time to get trained and get the area opened and looking good. I better go find the public library so I can get brushed up on my plant knowledge.... :)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Welcome to the sick house

I had written a long post last night but my internet took a dump. It's been a long couple of days. Collin picked up his first daycare cold and passed on crud to us....yea! We've all been sick in one form or another all week and it came to a head on Thursday night. Collin got a fever that evening and I was up with him till around 2 am. Poor guy, he just wanted to be held. Dave ended up staying home with us Friday to help out cause I had an interview and I couldn't take Collin to daycare sick.

I had the interview with the hospital on Thursday and it went ok. I don't think it's going to be what I want to do though. The job I interviewed for was an information desk job. The thing I really liked about my job at the hospital in Germany was I was in the thick of the medical stuff. I did my clerical duties, but I got to see cases and hear about them and I learned a lot of fascinating stuff. Plus, the lady I interviewed with seemed really stuffy. I dunno, I just didn't get a good feel for it. The interview I had yesterday was at the home improvement place. I did really well and I've got a second interview for Monday. (It's been like getting at job at Ft. Knox with this place) I think I'd enjoy this job better.

Pros: I get to wear jeans, I'd get to work in the garden center area, I won't be sitting at a desk, so I'll probably lose weight, great benefits and discounts, store is close to my house.

Cons: It's retail, constantly changing schedule that includes working weekends, it's retail

Now for a moment of Zen......

My poor little sick boy catching a much needed moment of rest yesterday....

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tisket a tasket...cute video

This is a video that Dave made of our two dogs Quincy and Sarah. I've been looking for this since Sarah was killed. It's pretty cute. It shows Quincy growing up, and Sarah is just a little puppy in most of it. The video shows them playing at the dog park in Denver. They sure loved that place. That is the coolest place for dogs. You also see them playing ball at the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Quincy at the national park near Turquoise Lake. We have had a lot of fun with our dogs. I'm glad Dave did this so we'd have memories of both of them.

I hope you like it! Ciao!

I've had a "crappy" day so far....

It's not that I've had a bad day. I've actually had a pretty good day. I was outside in my backyard with my son this morning when I looked around and saw quite a few "landmines". My thoughts were....eeeewwwwh gross! I'm not letting my son play around in dog crap. So I went inside and got some grocery bags and proceeded to clean up the yard when I felt something hit my foot. Oh great...I've just been shat on by a bird! This makes the second time this year I've been pelted with bird crap. (see Venice post in June archives) Yuck.

Here is one of the offenders of the dog Quincy...

Once I got cleaned up, we had fun playing around in the backyard. Grandma got Collin a Lil Quad not too long ago and he played with it for awhile. A Lil Quad is this motorized ATV that is controlled by a button on the handlebar. He gets that he has to push the button to make it go, but he doesn't get the concept of steering. He gets so frustrated when he runs the thing into the porch or a bush. Here are a few pics of him playing...

As far as the job hunt goes, it's creeping along. I think I've got a job with the home improvement place, but they haven't officially said "you've got a job, doing such and such."

I got a call today from a hospital that I had applied online for a customer service/clerical position. I go in tomorrow for an interview. It's a little further to drive, but I imagine that the hours and pay will be better than the other job. Here's hoping...Keep your fingers crossed!