Perfect Circle

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I had a D'oh moment this morning. Last night I picked my husband up from work and we stopped by the convenience store because I needed ice. Europeans aren't big on ice here but I've gotta have it. So we get our bag of ice and go home and we go up stairs and enjoy our evening. Without bringing the ice inside.
I haven't been able to get a hold of my hubby to see if he found the big bag of water in our back seat yet. Who knows, it could be a pool in the bottom of the backseat by now. Or it could have soaked the seat...I dunno. I can't believe I forgot to bring in the bag of ice.
Not only that, last night while I was cooking dinner someone kept ringing our doorbell. I was in the middle of cooking a fabulous dinner (baked cod with angelhair pasta and greenbeans) so I couldn't go downstairs to get the door. I asked hubby, but he was watching the kiddo and talking on the phone, so he was like...just ignore it and they'll go away. Well later that night my hubby goes to take the dogs out for one last potty break and when he gets back inside he tells me "I know why someone was ringing our bell, you left your keys in the front door lock!" D'oh!! (smack to the forehead!)
Atleast I remembered to bring Collin in the house! Getting old sucks.... :P


  • Are you pregnant? You're starting to sound like Amy.

    Then again, I know we all have our moments.

    You must update us on the ice!

    By Blogger Grubesteak, at 7:07 AM  

  • So far I have never bought ice and left it in the car. I'm sure I will sooner or later, though.

    Thanks for coming by my blog. The flowers in the photo are salvia. Very astute. They are supposedly dwarf salvia, but I'm not quite sure yet what that means.

    By Blogger Gary, at 3:10 PM  

  • LOL! Not preggers, I think I was just having one of those moments!
    I think I was just so focused on getting dinner started so I could start on Collin's bedtime routine that I forget EVERYTHING else! LOL! Once your little filet get's here you understand how important routines are for kids. It can ruin your whole night if the routine is upset!
    BTW, the ice did melt, all over my backseat. Unfortunately for my husband, I sat the bag of ice on top of his gloves and stocking cap he has to wear for his morning workout!

    By Blogger Brandi, at 1:52 AM  

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