Time with Collin
Today was a pretty good day. First off, Collin let me sleep in till 8 am. It has been ages since Collin slept this late, so I was stoked. He also went down for his nap without any troubles and slept for a couple more hours. Nap time is great, cause that is when I get to shower and get dressed. It seems funny that I would get excited about naps and getting to shower. Until you have a kid you take that kind of stuff for granted! LOL.
It was an absolute beautiful day here in Germany and once Collin woke up from his nap I wanted to go out and enjoy it. We went to McDonalds for lunch and Collin had his first Happy Meal. I like the way they do Happy Meals here. You have some options. I got him chicken nuggets and instead of fries I got the yogert and fruit option. I figured it was better than getting the fries and I figured he'd have a couple of mine anyway. Once we ate it was off to the park to play.
I have this little bucket hat for him to wear, cause the sun was blinding today. Only thing is he didn't want to wear it so it was a constant struggle. Better than a burned little head I guess.
So he played and played and it was so much fun watching him learn and get joy out of life. On the toddler playgym at the park they have this funhouse mirror that is just his size. He finally noticed himself today and it was the funniest thing I've seen in a while. He kept looking at himself and laughing and talking and I think I even saw him kiss himself. It was hilarious. He is also getting better at climbing stairs. ( I don't let him climb the ones in the house yet, but he does pretty well on the playgym stairs) The stairs on that playgym are very shallow, so I think it's getting his confidence up since the falling down episode. You can definately tell he is more nervous about high places now. After we were done playing, we just did a few other small errands and then returned home. I'm trying to take him somewhere every afternoon. Not only does it get me out of the house, but I think boys need fresh air, sunshine and play everyday. I hope that I am able to do these kinds of things with him once we get back to the states. My mom was a good mom and provider, but we really didn't get a lot of quality time with her because she was a single parent doing the best she could to take care of her family. (Which consisted of her, myself, my sister and my grandmother) I hope that he is able to look back on these times in his life and be happy.
Nice picture. It sounds like you are a very good mother. Lucky boy.
By Gary, at 6:47 PM
He is just so cute. I'm sure he will remember what a great mom he has!
By Anonymous, at 11:27 AM
He will no doubt recall these times with you and smile! He is adorable! I have several bucket hats for Buddha as well. He's a redhead...if he burns, I'll want to shoot myself.
And I'm with you on the fresh air thing. I spend time with my kid outside every day unless it's thunderstorming. I crave the outdoors with him especially now that the weather's warmed up in Virginia!
Can't wait to have you back in the states!
By Mouthy Girl, at 8:51 PM
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