Perfect Circle

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Tonight was the night my co-workers had my going away party (a month later) and there were good and bad parts to the evening. First off these things never get started on time. I've been to probably 10 farewells in my two years of working for the military and they have never started on time. We ended up getting there about a half hour late, due to traffic and construction, and we're the next to the last people to show up. It figures! It's at this little mexican place which has great mexican for being in Germany. So we sat down and ordered our drinks and no sooner than we decide on what we're going to order, Collin starts to get cranky. He's whining and squirming and that escalates to screaming. It made it very hard to have a conversation when you have a toddler screaming in your ear. So basically Dave and I spend the whole evening trying to keep Collin from throwing a fit. I know it's not his fault, it was close to his bedtime and he was just being a little kid. It just basically ruined my night. We had to eat, get my gift (which was nice...they had a huge silver platter that was engraved and it had the hospital coin displayed) and leave. It just wasn't the vision I had for an enjoyable last evening with my co-workers.
I guess that is what you get when you have kids. It ceases to be about you...and all about them.
Don't get me wrong, he is such a great kid and I love him so much. It just seems that when I need him to be a good boy...he turns into Damion. Next time...he's going to a sitter. :)


  • If I were you, I would have punched that kid in face and then said, "It's my night you crybaby!"

    Just kidding.


    My last day at work was pretty uneventful as well, and might even merit its own blog post. In fact, just writing this I've got a couple of great ideas for blog posts: My last day at work at my old job and my junior prom.

    By Blogger Grubesteak, at 5:31 PM  

  • HAHA! It crossed my mind...

    Junior prom.
    I went to mine stag. Had a great time! I think that was the night i got my braces caught in my friends couch. Or was that a New Years party? was all a blur..

    By Blogger Brandi, at 6:10 AM  

  • Well, at least you got a free dinner and a nice gift.

    That's good, isn't it?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:51 AM  

  • Yes, I got a very nice gift and a free dinner. All in all it was good. I'm just a sociable person and would like to have been able to hang out and chat more.

    By Blogger Brandi, at 9:36 AM  

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