Perfect Circle

Friday, April 28, 2006


One look at this kid and you'll see I've had a busy day. I had planned on taking him to the sitter today because I needed to run some errands, but we woke up to a mess. I guess he ate something that didn't agree with him last night at my farewell and had thrown up all over himself and his crib. I felt so bad for the little guy. He must have been sleeping in it for a good portion of the night and he didn't wake us up! So I got him cleaned up and changed his clothes and bedding. After that he seemed to be ok, except now he was sneezing and had a runny nose. I was constantly cleaning his little face because of the constant draining. TMI, I know.
Then alittle later on in the morning I decided I needed to clean up the living room a bit. I keep the doors closed that I don't want him getting into but I forgot that when I changed him I left his last poopie diaper sitting out in his room. (The dumb diaper pail we have takes two hands to operate it, so sometimes the diaper will sit on top till I get around to putting it in) Well he thought it would be fun to play with his poopie diaper. It was like he was laughing at me when he was holding it up...poo smeared on his hands and shirt. Ack! Gag!
So I get him stripped and in the tub in two seconds flat! Whew, that was close. It could have been everywhere!
I put him down for a nap and he woke up within 30 minutes. He was screaming and crying, I felt so bad for him. Then he sneezed and sent a glob of snot that hit my leg. I think he may have an allergy or something. I gave him some Dimatap and put him back to sleep. He was seemed to feel like a million bucks after his nap. I think he got a great nap.
We had rigatoni for dinner tonight which is where I got the picture posted above. One final mess to clean up before bed. Whew! What a day!


  • Please, God, don't ever let me see Buddha playing in his own shit. I don't think I could bear it.

    (Hysterical story, Brandi!!!!)

    Your kid puts my kid's spaghetti sauce face to shame!

    By Blogger Mouthy Girl, at 7:06 PM  

  • I hope I never have to see him playing with his poo again either!!! LOL!
    That was totally gross.

    By Blogger Brandi, at 1:45 AM  

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