Ugh...I'm so sick. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. Tuesday night Collin and I went to my husband's unit for an FRG (Family Readiness Group) meeting about them coming home soon. Basically they just went over what to expect when your loved one comes back from a deployment, and what kind of entitlements you'd be losing once they returned. Everything was ok. Collin was crawlin around everywhere so he was running me ragged. Then he woke up a couple of times in the middle of the night, so Wednesday morning I felt exhausted and decided to call in sick. Well, no sooner I dropped off Collin at the sitter, I started feeling kinda sucky. I started to get the chills and felt nauseated. I just felt worse as the day went on, it was like I knew I was gonna get sick before I even started my day.
I got up this morning feeling alittle better, just really weak. So I decided to give myself one more day. Well, here it is, 8:30 pm and I still feel like crap. I think I have a stomach bug or something. Cause anything I eat gives me stomach cramps and I'm achey and so tired.
I feel like work is gonna think I'm a slacker cause they know I want more time off a week, but I'm legitimately sick. I think I will try to go to work tomorrow, but if I start feeling like this again, I'll try and get into family practice or the ER. The ER at our hospital is kinda a joke. It's basically and cold and flu clinic cause we don't get alot of trama. If someone needs major ER care they are taken to a German ER cause I believe we don't have the capabilities of a regular ER.
So that is pretty much why I haven't posted here in a couple of days. I've just felt like doodie.
I'm really looking forward to my hubby getting home. The homecoming is coming up in the next few weeks so I'm pretty excited.
I'm also going to give two weeks notice to my employer here in the next week or so. I really just want to focus on Collin and the household for a few months before we come back to the states. I know once we get back to the states I'll probably be the one to get a job the quickest, due to me being a jack of all trades! LOL So I want to take some time out for me and Collin. Plus once my hubby gets back he's gonna get leave and I really want that time off for the family. Hopefully we'll be able to get in alittle travel this spring before we leave. So I think it's gonna work out for the best.