I was tagged by my good friend Keoka...so I thought I'd just share this meme with the rest of you...
Three jobs I've had in my life: 1. Nicolosi's Animal Hospital (Receptionist/Vet Assistant)
2. State Farm Insurance (Licensed Office Representative)
3. Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (Ward Clerk)
Three nicknames I've been given: 1. Brandito the Frito Bandito (you can blame that lil gem on my uncle Phil)
2. Pookabear (only my hubby calls me that one!)
3. Hydro (given to me by my 6th grade teacher Mr. Caputo, I used to take forever when
I'd drink from the water fountain after recess)
Five movies I would watch over and over:
1. Joe Dirt (if this makes me white trash...so be it!)
2. Wedding Crashers
3. Sound of Music (or any Rodgers & Hammerstein musical)
4. Out of Africa
5. Moulin Rouge (or any Baz Luhrman movie)
Three places I have lived: 1. Midwest City, Oklahoma
2. Joplin, MO
3. Castle Rock, Colorado
Five TV shows I love to watch:
1. Nip/Tuck
2. Sopranos
3. Lost
4. Dateline or 20/20 (I like those kind of news shows)
5. Survivor
Five places I have been on vacation: 1. Jupiter, Florida
2. Galveston, Texas
3. Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado
4. Venice, Italy
5. Paris, France
Four things I could NOT live without: 1. Sonic Route 44 Diet Cokes
2. My hubby
3. My son
4. Shopping....:)
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Macaroni and tomato sauce (southern style with sour cream and butter)
2. Fried okra
3. Red eye gravy (made from smoked ham drippings, atlittle instant coffee and water, you
pour it over buscuits. I swear its good!)
4. Anything mexican! (except menudo...yuk)
Five places I would rather be right now: 1. My new home
2. Hawaii
3. Aspen
4. Barnes and Noble
5. Sardinia